When you turn in a quest, you gain experience -- you get experience from killing enemies, also known as mobs , as well. However, since a quest has its own, relatively large experience reward, getting experience through questing is usually more efficient than just killing mobs, which is also known as grinding.
Once you've finished all the quests in your starting village, you'll generally pick up a quest that requires you to travel to a neighboring village. There, you'll find more quest givers and slightly more powerful mobs. The game continues in this fashion until you reach the highest possible level -- level 60 for classic "World of Warcraft," level 70 for "The Burning Crusade" and level 80 for "Wrath of the Lich King.
When you're finished with your starting zone, the world suddenly gets a lot bigger. We'll look at how to get around it in the next section. Dying in "World of Warcraft" is more of an inconvenience than a life-altering event. If you die, you will appear as a spirit in a graveyard. If you travel back to your body, you'll be resurrected with about half your health and mana.
Dying damages your armor by 10 percent, so you'll have to pay a little money to repair it. If you can't get back to your body -- or if you just don't want to try to fight your way back from where you died -- you can ask the spirit healer in the graveyard to resurrect you. This will damage all of your armor, including armor you're carrying but not wearing, by 25 percent. You'll also have resurrection sickness -- all of your stats will be reduced for 10 minutes.
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Click to watch this video in a web browser. Chris Staniforth died from a blood clot after a marathon video game session. Staniforth, of Sheffield, England would play on his console for up to 12 hours in one sitting. One of the biggest risk factors for developing blood clots that could eventually break off and travel to the lungs, heart or other vital organs is prolonged sedentary activity.
But too much video game playing may cause problems. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight. Overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff, like friendships and how well a kid does in school. Your Brain on Fortnite Dr. But research has also linked playing violent video games with depression in children. Is Fortnite Season 6 still worth playing?