Under the Foundation program only, the ARD committee, which includes you and your child, can decide whether your child will need to pass the end of course assessments in order to graduate. If you think your child is capable of doing the coursework for earning an Endorsement or Distinguished level of achievement — and can pass the End of Course assessment — it is best to attempt this.
The post-secondary opportunities for your child will be greater. Most colleges and universities review transcripts as part of the admissions process. For this reason, college-bound students need to make sure that their transcript will reflect at least the minimum entrance requirements of the school to which they will be applying. This will give you an idea of which courses will best prepare your child for the day when he or she fills out those college or other applications.
While many universities in Texas require the Foundation plus Endorsement graduation plan course work for admission, colleges outside the state may not require as many credits or similar courses. It is important to investigate all options. Transition Resources. Graduation Toolkit. Certificate of High School Equivalency. Two years in same language required. Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 27, Share this Page.
Trending in Grade Spans. Recently Posted in Grade Spans. Two years, including Algebra I, beginning in — Three years, including algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra. Phrases Synonymous with distinguished. Frequently Asked Questions About distinguished How is the word distinguished different from other adjectives like it? Learn More About distinguished. Share distinguished Post more words for distinguished to Facebook Share more words for distinguished on Twitter.
Time Traveler for distinguished The first known use of distinguished was in See more words from the same year. Style: MLA. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Love words? Need even more definitions?
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