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The GaryVee Content Model. Related Books Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Elsevier Books Reference. Germany, September Elsevier Books Reference. Related Audiobooks Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Franklin Aldrich. Mithun Prajapati. From the point of view of a resident it is worth considering as it enhances the water security of the resident. This enables the builder to save costs. What are the common methods for sewage treatment? Treatment of sewage is based on a method provided by nature, i.
When a steady consistent supply of air is pumped into a tank containing sewage which has been screened to remove all floating debris and non soluble contents in sewage, microbes which are present in it get activated.
These microbes are present in the sludge which makes up a substantial part of sewage, and they consume the pollutants in the sewage while the air supply brings them to life and keeps them alive and multiplying. It is the oldest system world wide and is the most used process world over. An STP based on this aerobic process will consist of the following major stages of treatment :.
The sludge can be used as compost in a garden. The water free from sludge is sent to a clear water tank also called clarified water tank. Finally it is disinfected to kill all the bacteria present in it by either chlorination or ozonation or with ultra violet light. This tertiary treated water is then pumped into a dedicated set of storage tanks from where it is used to flush toilets, wash roads, yards and for gardening. Such STPs are highly susceptible to input fluctuations a frequent feature in India and this results in a lot of untreated sewage and other related problems.
An anaerobic process is one where a different kind of bacteria comes into action. Mostly, anaerobic treatment is usually followed by the aerobic process and this combination is used where the waste water has very high values of BOD and COD. What are the problems that can be expected with an installed STP? The most common problems encountered are listed below and are based on an informal survey of STPs including Water Treatment plants also carried out over the last 4 years.
What would STPs of different capacities cost? The prices given here are only indicative and meant to give an idea.
What about the operating costs for an STP? These costs do not include the cost of plant operating personnel. Yes, unfortunately, it is true. If sewage treatment was simple and easy for all to understand, this entire write up with FAQs would be much smaller and easy to follow.
Contact them and ask if they will help and the terms on which they will do so if it involves visiting your location. You will get one of them to definitely offer to help. Yes, there are a few. Why should an STP not be in a basement? Something that is extremely important but never done till it becomes too late. Details of all the pumps and other motor driven rotary equipment as installed with information on how these have been selected, as, this will have a crucial bearing on the power consumption in the community.
Proper documentation is a must for all the engineering incorporated in a property Here, ignorance is not bliss,it is an unmitigated disaster! It looks like a buyer of a home in any residential complex is going to be a big loser no matter what, what can be done to rectify this and protect the home buyers? One option is for the Government either Central or State to enact legislation to protect buyers of homes. Another option would be for the various associations of builders to themselves evolve a code of ethics that would ensure protection with regard to providing water security in a totally transparent manner.
Ranganathan , a Bangalore based water expert. Please click on a topic to view more detailed information: What is Waste Water? How is it generated? Why treat waste water? How is waste water treated? What can be done to protect the home buyers from STP problems? Go to Top What is Waste Water? Go to Top How much waste water is generated in a residential complex? Go to Top What are the constituents of waste water sewage?
Go to Top Why treat waste water? If the industry has a right to use the water then it becomes their duty to make it clean or re-usable. Industries consumed the clean water and generate the polluted water which includes harmful chemicals; oils, grease, solids etc.
Here the main work starts to clean the pollutants through the effective water treatment. So plants are established for this process and these plants are called "Effluent Treatment plant". As the name suggest, it involves removing the pollutants under the water to make it usable for another process and so to make the environment pollution free. Advantages: Discharge waste free water.
Eliminates municipal fees. Production materials can be recovered for re-use. Recycling of water so eliminates unused water. According to Department of Environment, effluent must be according to the quality standards set by the government and so the ETP should be established and directed accordingly.
Skimming is cost-efficient method to clean the oiling or grease water through the cleaning depends on the solids dissolved in the water. These industries use a device called API oil water separator salt which separates the oil and wastewater by knowing the gravity difference between them. API denotes the American petroleum institute who had published the standards to design this separator. While processing ETP, you must consider the following steps:- Which type of solid is present?
The level of waste water. What process is suitable? What is the cost budget? Cleaning ratio? Thus effluent treatment plant is designed according the solids and waste dissolved in the water to make it clean and usable again.
Kelvin Water Technologies has gain popular name with in short span of period for serving India in the area of repair and maintenance of Effluent Treatment Plants with the help of professionals.