November Ep. December Ep. January Ep. February Ep. Moving Beyond the Plateau: Embracing Weakness. Common Mistakes. Fear Is A Theological Problem.
Part 2: Three Ways to Lead. A Cultural or Interpretive Take on Leading. Meaning Making Leaders Proclaim Vision. Part 3: Leading Day-to-Day Growth. Volunteers and Staff Relations. Part 4: Leading for Transformative Change. Technical and Adaptive Change. Whatever its origin, the inclusion of the saying at this point suggests that Mark is now interpreting it of the temple mount.
The sea was the place of destruction cf. Through faith in Jesus, acceptance of his identity and authority, believers enter into his victorious power, and nothing consistent with the perfect will of God is impossible for them.
It is only through faith in the power and authority of Jesus, the One who comes in the name of the Lord, that prayer in accord with the will and purpose of God can be offered in unwavering assurance.
The importance of forgiveness then becomes plain Faith in Jesus requires a heart of humility that forgives its neighbor, not the hateful and unforgiving heart of the chief priests and scribes. Verse 26, while consistent with the thought, is not considered part of the original text, and is not included in the NRSV.
The destruction of the fig tree stands as a continuing testimony to any nation, institution, church or person that God demands fruit of his creation. All blessings, resources or advantages any human or group of humans possess have been granted by God. God, like the master who gave the talents Matt.
But the lesson of the withered fig tree is not merely that God expects fruit. The vital, overarching concern here is that God expects belief. He expects faith in the one he has sent, and this life-changing faith is the fruit for which he is looking! The central issue is twofold: 1 no fruit can be borne unless one recognizes and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and 2 to accept Jesus Christ is to bear fruit for God.
The leadership of Israel was barren, like the fig tree, because they refused to believe. For any variety of reasons, primarily their desire to hold on to what was most valuable to them, they would not accept the identity and authority of Jesus as Messiah and Lord.
Unlike the fig tree, which was incapable of bearing fruit out of season, those who know the Lord can and will bear fruit in and out of season. The impossible becomes possible through faith in the One who comes in the name of the Lord. The mountains of institutionalized worship, of fruitless reliance on systems, formulas, and traditions of human origin to bring about righteousness melt away before the sheer power of faith in what God does in Jesus Christ.
Sins are forgiven, redemption becomes reality, and we pass from the kingdom of this world into the kingdom of God only when we forsake everything and believe in him, when we take up our cross and follow him. Barclay, William. The Gospel of Mark. Philadelphia: Westminster, Birdsall, J. Cole, R. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, Cotter, Wendy J. Gaebelein, Frank E. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, Gundry, Robert H.
Hooker, Morna D. The Gospel According to St. Hull, Jr. Lane, William L. You might as well cut it down. Or curse it, as Jesus did the fig tree in Matthew How did Jesus know the fig tree was barren? Because the leaves and the fruit typically appear at about the same time. To see a fig tree covered with leaves but with no fruit meant that it was barren. Cursing the fig tree was Jesus's way of saying that the whole nation had become spiritually barren before the Lord.
They had the form of religion but not the reality. They knew the right words to say, but their hearts were far from God. Comparing and contrasting two accounts of the same story gives readers the benefit of different perspectives and details. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.