Michael Jackson shares a little about their dance collaboration:. So I got in a room with Michael Peters, and he and I together kind of imagined how these zombies move by making faces in the mirror. I used to come to rehearsal sometimes with monster makeup on, and I loved doing that. Photo: Cherish Tyson via Facebook. Who remembers trying to learn the dance moves to their favourite music video as a kid?
We do! Joseph Communications uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. The move was aided by patented shoes with bolts that lodged the heel into the floor.
In his dance videos, Jackson set the foundations for singers with strong dance abilities to follow for years. His style deeply influenced his sister Janet Jackson , as well as much later stars who relied on dance, from Britney Spears to Beyonce. His impact on dance history is just another reason why Jackson so richly deserves the title the King of Pop.
The King of Pop was one-of-a-kind in his music, dancing — and clothing choices. We take a look back at the King of Pop's legacy and how he set the standard for entertainers. The musicians recorded three songs together during the height of careers, only for the collaborations to be shelved. Turn to stage left and punch rapidly, alternating arms RLRL.
Pose like a glaring zombie for several beats. Pivot clockwise on your right foot, stomping six times with your left foot to move yourself around, shrugging your left shoulder forward with each stomp until you are facing upstage. Look over your right shoulder. Hunch over like a zombie, and take ten steps upstage with a very wide-legged stance. Turn around to face downstage. You've just completed the main dance steps to Thriller.
Alternative Ways to Learn Thriller If you prefer visual instructions to written ones, instructional videos are available to teach you the Thriller dance, such as the one below. Thrill the World Dance Steps. By Nadia Santiago. Dance Step Diagrams.
Time Warp Dance. Wade Robson. West Side Story Dance Analysis. By Benna Crawford. Surprise Wedding Dances. By Michele Meleen. Evolution of Dance.