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I agree to the collection and use of my personal information. Agree Disagree. All rights reserved. KOREA audition smtown. Audition type. I could see parents objecting to the concert because there is school the next day.
I very much doubt that a second date will be added unless there were to be extraordinary demand. RageX RageX said:. Great insights from a New Yorker, thanks. We will need to consult with you further if get tickets to go. Are you planning on going? Really nervous that tickets will be sold out before I am able to get one, but hoping for the best. Will be my first trip to NYC and all for my girls!
So exciting! Kalisma Amir said:. US sones u are so luckky … enjoy their show…. Pingback: Concerts nyc Livenjoy. Lilsparky67 said:. I live in FL too and definitely going to try to go. So1Mara96 said:. Steve SONEzero said:. Megan said:. Forever9 said:. Sooyoung might be able to attend since it is still 2 months away and she might recover by then. I want to see all my 9 beautiful girls! Sooyoung just needs to make a cameo and wave and that will be enough.
Kevin said:. Jessicajjang said:. Sorry for my long post, LOL. Dave said:. Justin Hall said:. Sign up now for exclusive ticket offer information!
I was planning to go because i live in new york but the tickets are on sale when im at school. Plus the tickets are really expensive. James said:. Yuri and Kyuhyun!!!
Cary said:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public.
Name required. Thank you so much for everything. I wish to come back very soon :D. Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address: Follow. Our Twitter and Facebook. JYJ Twitter. Authors Allison Nakamura dbskcassiopeia ilovechangmin Dorre pinkrazy. Link Us.