Fans got a better view of the condo during a tour in the iconic 'Dinner Party' episode. The actual address is Bonnie Place in Reseda, California. In the third season, Phyllis and Bob Vance made it official by getting married in a beautiful yet cringe-worthy affair. Everyone from the office was invited and it was a big episode for not just Phyllis but for the strange love triangle between Jim, Karen, and Pam.
Jim and Karen were a new couple and the wedding was one of the first outings as a couple. Pam had to watch them joyfully enjoy themselves while she felt alone. In the episode, Phyllis got married in a beautiful church while Michael hilariously pushed her father's wheelchair down the aisle beside her. After Jim and Pam become more serious, Jim admitted to the camera that he bought his parents' house with the intention of setting up roots there with Pam.
The only problem was that he did not tell Pam about his plan. She ended up loving the house and adored that Jim went through the trouble of buying her a home. It was one of Jim and Pam's cutest moments. Pam and Jim fans can feel the same kind of love for the home by seeing the front yard for themselves at Calvert Street in Van Nuys, California. Fans have said the house still looks the same today as it did in the series, the only part that isn't clearly visible is the garage-turned-art studio that's in the back of the house.
Poor Richards was the neighborhood bar that everyone at Dunder Mifflin frequented. It's a legendary bar in "Scranton" that Meredith made most of her inappropriate decisions. Funny enough, the producers created Poor Richards themselves. The Steamtown Mall is a real mall in Scranton and is brought up often throughout the series. It's where Michael tried to be a better boss and took the ladies for Women's Appreciation Day while ironically buying them underwear from Victoria's Secret and it's where Dwight bought the crystal wizard from the shop who wouldn't let him in with beet-soaked hands.
In reality, the cast did not travel to Scranton for these shots of the mall. Fans will notice the fountain where Michael threw his change into, the food court, and the Victoria's Secret. The couple decided to get married in Niagra Falls in hopes that no one would want to travel there.
However, everyone decided to go because Michael gave the office off Friday and Monday if they went.. The church in the show was a cute combination of red wood and stone, which was seen when Jim was playing soccer with some kids before he helped Pam with her torn veil.
In the episode 'Ultimatum,' Andy, Dwight, and Darryl admitted they were all lonely and wanted to meet women. You can probably find me hunting down hot springs with girlfriends, ranting about diet culture, cooking with my husband, or watching like, all the things on Netflix.
Follow me on Instagram for even more inspiration! I lived right across the street closer to Willis than VanNuys. That Walmart and the mall were my second home! You are right the building they filmed the chilies is across from the Wendys! Excellent page! They have an over-the-top brunch on the weekend. Check it out. Right next to Warner Bros. The gas station where Jim leaves Michael is the one right across the street from the Van Nuys Courthouse. The hot dog stand where he asks the guy to throw one away in his mouth is in Burbank.
Wow thank you! Been searching online everywhere for this. Watching The Orville, and they used the same building. You can even recreate the scene where Michael intercepts a frisbee from college students. It was still fun to see all the locations though.
I love the office, I binge watch it regularly and never grow tired. This is an amazing site! Thank you for the insightful look into the world of Dunder Mifflin and the fine ensemble who inhabit that realm! Anybody ever notice that the clown painting in Jim and pams house that Jim says is not removable ends up at the dunder Mifflin yard sale. The strip club Dwight goes to right across from it is also there, but is now an empty building for lease.
The structure is still the same though. I love the office. I live in Wilkes Barre Pa which is about 15 minutes north of Scranton. The show scenes looked so real I actually thought for awhile it was filmed in Scranton they did a great job.
I did some research and figured out that the Gettysburgh episode was shot at Woodley Park. Here is the location where they get off the bus. The amphitheater where Gabe performs as Abraham Lincoln is behind there. That big Disney lot I mentioned! The one where they film a ton of movies. I grew up in burbank so the streets look so familiar..
I know they filmed a lot in toluca lake, north hollywood, studio city and sherman oaks close to NBC. Love this show so much! I watched the first 7 seasons, then stopped when Michael left. Because of the pandemic, I have binge-watched every show from season 6 to the finale last night. I am not too manly to admit a couple of tears from the wedding, especially when Michael showed up, and for Erin when she met her mother.
I live in florida, but im originally from pennsylvania, closer to philly. I was going to drive to scranton to visit the sites until i started researching and learned most of it was in california.
I miss this show so much, yeppers. It is the main setting for the show The Office. As revealed in " Casino Night ", the Dunder Mifflin Scranton warehouse - perhaps including the suite - is on a seven year lease from Beekman Properties.
According to Dwight, the lease was on its fourth year at the time, which means the lease will end sometime during the year if not renewed. The Office is rearranged at times due to additional employees or employee relations. This is the layout as of " Michael's Last Dundies ". Pam's desk was designed to be round so she could swivel to look at any point in the office.
Dwight and Jim's desks are angled relative to each other, rather than facing each other. Jim's desk does not face Pam's, but Pam can look directly at Jim.