Where is the wayshrine of stendarr in oblivion

He gives you a map detailing the locations of some of their respective Wayshrines and you receive the rank of Pilgrim in the Nine Divines faction. To get the whole story, enter the Chapel. It is best to wait until after you have talked with the Prophet to explore the Chapel, because after you become a Pilgrim you are able to legally explore the entire chapel and legally take any items you find. You will find it desecrated, bodies strewn everywhere, and Ayleid letters scrawled in blood on the floor surrounding the altar.

Within, you may find numerous books giving more backstory to Umaril and Pelinal, including The Song of Pelinal volumes one through eight, Shezarr and the Divines , and The Adabal-a. After you have performed sufficient research, exit the Chapel and begin your Pilgrimage. If you enter the chapel hall and search all the rooms, you will find the Conjuration skill book , Frostfall. The Pilgrimage consists of visiting and praying at activating one wayshrine for each of the Nine Divines.

All characters, even those without any Infamy points, must go on the pilgrimage. The Wayshrines page provides a complete list of all the wayshrines that can be found in Cyrodiil.

The Knights of the Nine plug-in does not add any new wayshrines. The "Wayshrines Map" provided to you by the Prophet shows the location of just one wayshrine for each of the Nine Divines. However, there is nothing special about those nine particular wayshrines; you can choose to visit any of the wayshrines map for each of the Nine Divines.

On your pilgrimage, you might encounter Sir Roderic and his squire, Lathon. Roderic is also answering to the Prophet's call, and you have the option to accompany them to the wayshrines, but this method is incredibly slow and tedious.

If your character has never gained any infamy and has previously visited any of the wayshrines, those wayshrines do not need to be revisited. If you are uncertain which wayshrines you have already visited and you already have this quest in your journal, make this quest the active quest in your journal and it will mention which ones you have visited.

Alternatively, you could enter the chapel in any city except the desecrated chapel in Anvil. Around the perimeter of the chapel you will find small altars dedicated to each of the Nine Divines. Activate each one: if it provides you with a blessing, then you have already visited a wayshrine for that deity; otherwise, you will receive a message suggesting that you should visit a wayshrine.

If you have already completed the Pilgrimage of the Nine Divines and received the Greater Power Pilgrim's Grace , you will need to visit a single wayshrine. When you activate it, you will immediately receive the vision from Pelinal that starts the next quest. When you have prayed at each of the nine altars, your Infamy points will be reduced to zero and you will receive a quest update stating that you have completed the pilgrimage and should pray and wait for a vision.

Jump to: navigation , search. Sist redigert av Omgwtfbbqkitten ; 5. This isn't about the current wayshrine issue, but I may have a mod installed that is causing snow to randomly happen now and then, when there isn't supposed to be any. Any help on that? Per side: 15 30 Dato lagt ut: 5. Innlegg: 9. Diskusjonsregler og retningslinjer. Med enerett. Retningslinjer for personvern Juridisk Steams abonnementsavtale Informasjonskapsler. Vis mobilnettside. Damaged Attributes and Skills are red, and are easily restored by visiting a chapel or using potions, scrolls, or spells to restore them.

If any values are damaged by a magical effect, they will remain lowered after the effect wears off. Fame is a measure of how well known your heroism is among the general population of Cyrodiil. It is found in the miscellaneous statistics menu, and is zero when you start the game. You can increase your Fame by helping others or by completing quests in a virtuous manner. If you enter the chapel hall and search all the rooms, you will find the Conjuration skill book , Frostfall.

The Pilgrimage consists of visiting and praying at activating one wayshrine for each of the Nine Divines. All characters, even those without any Infamy points, must go on the pilgrimage. If your character has never gained any infamy and has previously visited any of the wayshrines, those wayshrines do not need to be revisited.

If you are uncertain which wayshrines you have already visited, enter the chapel in any city except the desecrated chapel in Anvil.

After talking to the Prophet you may encounter Sir Roderic and Lathon on the road, completing their own pilgrimage. You can talk to them about the pilgrimage or even travel with them, but interacting with them is not necessary. It is not possible to clear your infamy without the Knights of the Nine plug-in installed. The Prophet has given you a map to aid you in your pilgrimage. You need only visit eight of the shrines on this map.


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